一课译词:岌岌可危 [Photo/pexels]“岌岌可危”,汉语成语,意思是非常危险,快要倾覆或灭亡。可以翻译为“in imminent/impending danger, in a precarious situation”等。与英文习...
可以翻译为“be caught unprepared,be caught on the wrong foot或be thrown off one’s guard”等。 例句: 这一举动为的是让对手措手不及。 It was an attempt to wrong-foot the oppo...
在三亚选址增设海关监管隔离区域,开展全球动植物种质资源引进和中转等业务。 Set up customs supervision and quarantine areas in Sanya for introduction and transit of global animal and plant germplasm resources. 【资料来源:省委深改办(自贸办)、省旅游和...